Opening Reception: Friday, March 10, 6pm-9pm Closing Reception: Saturday, April 1, 6pm-9pm
The work highlights the magnetic pull in the man-made and the natural world. There is a playfulness that exist. In these images inanimate objects, animals, humans, plants are all equal main characters arguing for their say. The perspectives and characters overwhelm to create a sense of comfort. Comfort that reality is not centered around one individual but concerned with everything.
Oskar Petersen is a painter and musician born and raised in Albuquerque. Oskar has played in Albuquerque band Crimelab for 9 years. A poetry major turned accounting major, Oskar graduated from UNM with a degree in business. After being laid off in 2019, Oskar put his efforts into his artwork and has since shown in Albuquerque and San Antonio. Oskar works with oil pastel on wood. His work uses humor and playfulness to create a sense of optimism. Instagram: @stallionwilson