Call for submissions: The Loss Show
A group art show that will take place at fourteenfifteen gallery, June 10-July 1st, 2022
Submission deadline: Friday, May 27th
Please email proposals to [email protected], under the subject heading “The Loss Show /submission"
It’s hard to know where to start isn’t it? How can one possibly begin to address this sense of loss we all feel? Over the last two years so much has gone missing: family, friends, colleagues, romantic relationships, places, institutions, jobs, prospects, plans for travel, stability, safety, a sense of others, a sense of ourselves. Even when we try not to think about it we are conscious of it, ever present, superimposed over our own world, a second one made up of vacuums, sustained fermata, dialogues dropped, cut-outs and silhouettes.
But in our efforts to cope with unrelenting disaster and upheaval, we were forced to push ourselves forever urgently, desperately forward. Which meant we could not take the time to grieve for what had been ripped from us. And on those occasions where we did stop to reflect on it, the burden of it weighed so heavily on us that we hesitated to share it, even with those close to us.
We of the L.o.A. feel this too, and acutely. However, we also believe it is now time to begin to speak of our losses. Because this kind of thing has always been art’s purview. Of all its many functions in society this is one of its most crucial: to express that which feels impossible to convey.
Tell us what you have lost. In whatever medium you claim. Many of us already have pieces concerning this very subject we began in the last two years that we faltered to bring to completion. We humbly request you take them out and resume where you left off. Whether you choose to propose them for this exhibit or not.
We do not claim this will bring about catharsis, healing, consolation, or closure, but we do know none of those things can be achieved without first mourning that which is gone. Because you are not alone in your loss, and this is how we will prove it to you. With your work and ours we will make a mutual wake for the absent for those left behind.
Please email proposals to [email protected], under the subject heading “The Loss Show /submission" by May 27th.
All music, non-fiction, and poetry, and audio art will be accepted outright, though we reserve the right to determine the method of its presentation.
Submission deadline: Friday, May 27th
Please email proposals to [email protected], under the subject heading “The Loss Show /submission"
It’s hard to know where to start isn’t it? How can one possibly begin to address this sense of loss we all feel? Over the last two years so much has gone missing: family, friends, colleagues, romantic relationships, places, institutions, jobs, prospects, plans for travel, stability, safety, a sense of others, a sense of ourselves. Even when we try not to think about it we are conscious of it, ever present, superimposed over our own world, a second one made up of vacuums, sustained fermata, dialogues dropped, cut-outs and silhouettes.
But in our efforts to cope with unrelenting disaster and upheaval, we were forced to push ourselves forever urgently, desperately forward. Which meant we could not take the time to grieve for what had been ripped from us. And on those occasions where we did stop to reflect on it, the burden of it weighed so heavily on us that we hesitated to share it, even with those close to us.
We of the L.o.A. feel this too, and acutely. However, we also believe it is now time to begin to speak of our losses. Because this kind of thing has always been art’s purview. Of all its many functions in society this is one of its most crucial: to express that which feels impossible to convey.
Tell us what you have lost. In whatever medium you claim. Many of us already have pieces concerning this very subject we began in the last two years that we faltered to bring to completion. We humbly request you take them out and resume where you left off. Whether you choose to propose them for this exhibit or not.
We do not claim this will bring about catharsis, healing, consolation, or closure, but we do know none of those things can be achieved without first mourning that which is gone. Because you are not alone in your loss, and this is how we will prove it to you. With your work and ours we will make a mutual wake for the absent for those left behind.
Please email proposals to [email protected], under the subject heading “The Loss Show /submission" by May 27th.
All music, non-fiction, and poetry, and audio art will be accepted outright, though we reserve the right to determine the method of its presentation.